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Beautiful things – Jephan De Villiers

Verity Douglas
Writer and expert14 years ago
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The French sculptor Jephan De Villiers has a beautiful melancholy about his works. As a child in the 40's Jephan was sickly, he spent a lot of time bed-ridden, staring out of the window at a chestnut tree. His rare forays into the outside world were the forest walks his mother took him on, during which he started to collect the materials that mark his style today. His strong connection with nature mixed and with a bitter-sweet shadow of dolefulness has led him to create some truly beautiful characters. A sort of Pan's Labyrinth meets Tim Burton otherworldness, definitely worth a look. alexia inge

Verity Douglas
Writer and expert
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Cult Beauty’s Content Editor and a Cult Beauty OG, Verity loves nothing more than the marriage of language and lip balm. A quintessential Libran, she’s a self-professed magpie for luxury ‘must-haves' and always pursuing the new and the niche — from the boujee-est skin care to cutting-edge tech. Balancing an urge to stop the clock with her desire to embrace the ageing process (and set a positive example for her daughter), Verity's a retinol obsessive and will gladly share her thoughts about the time-defying gadgets, masks and treatments worth the splurge...