14 Items
Fenty Bestsellers
Dreaming up beauty for all, Fenty Beauty’s bestsellers lead the charge in creating products that are as inclusive as they are high performing. From lip glosses and highlighters that boost a statement shine to cleansers and creams that nourish and hydrate (not to mention the brand’s 50-shade foundation line), Fenty Beauty’s bestsellers ensure everyone feels seen and confident in their own skin.
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Fenty Beauty Gloss Bomb Universal Lip Luminizer 9ml (Various Shades)
5 stars out of a maximum of 5
Fenty Beauty Match Stix Contour Skinstick 7.1g (Various Shades)
5 stars out of a maximum of 5
Fenty Skin Plush Puddin' Intensive Recovery Lip Mask 15g (Various Shades)
5 stars out of a maximum of 5
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